︎Scan the QR code to listen to a child who was born with a helmet (Korean)
SEA FOAM is an interactive performance piece that was part of a group arts exhibition, collectively reflecting on “abyss”. This piece is my personal introspective quest on the constant struggles of adulthood and desires for healthier growth. It follows the story of my inner child who metaphorically enters the world wearing a protective helmet, representing the need for protection from the outside world. Despite offering a sense of security, this helmet also distorts her perception, making the world feel unstable and confining. The weight of the helmet becomes a burden itself, aggravating her anguish beyond just conforming to societal norms. She yearns to be free from this burden and to embrace a realm where she can fully experience the beauty around them. Through introspection and self-discovery, perhaps this adult child can find solace in removing her helmet and embracing the world with open arms—a world that can both nurture and challenge, where personal growth can flourish, and where their true self can finally be illuminated and free from burdens.
The verses of the adult child echo, "Viewed through the lens of the helmet, the world appears unstable and confining. Although secured, it feels stifling and obscure. The burden does not stem solely from conforming to societal norms; rather, it is intensified by the weight of the protective headgear, which exacerbates my anguish. Fear dissipates with ease, devoid of true significance. If only I could discard this helmet, perhaps the pursuit of courage need not be an arduous endeavor. If a retreat is desired, I shall retreat, relinquishing the pursuit of unwavering strength. Instead, I will patiently dwell in a realm of heightened perception, illuminated and unburdened."
Created and performed by Jueun Kang
Object Arts (The helmet, costumes, drawings) by Jueun Kang
Produced by Artroom Blue
자신만의 동굴로 들어가 한없이 어려지고만 싶은 어른의 속마음을 들어내고자, 불완전한 인간의 어른 아이 컴플렉스를 표현해보았습니다. 어른이 된다는 것은 어쩌면 자기 내면의 아이를 얼마나 잘 숨기는 지에 대한 일일지도 모르겠습니다. 세상의 수많은 유혹, 상처, 차별과 강요로부터 자신을 보호하기 위해 필사적으로 헬멧을 쓰고 태어난 어른 아이의 이야기를 퍼포먼스로 풀어냈습니다.
어른 아이의 말: “헬멧 속에서 보이는 세상은 불안정하고 한정적이에요. 안전하긴 해도 숨이 차고 잘 보이지 않아 답답해요. 세상의 규칙을 지키느라 삼켜야 했던 낡은 목소리 때문이 아니라, 나의 보호막인 헬멧의 무게 때문에 오히려 더 고통스러워요. 생각보다 두려움은 너무 쉽고 허무하게 사라져요. 헬멧만 벗으면 되거든요. 어쩌면 살아가면서 용기를 내려고 너무 애쓰지 않아도 되는 것 같아요. 숨고 싶으면 숨고, 강해지려고 노력하지 말아요 우리. 그대신 어둡고 깊은 곳 말고 잘 들리고 잘 보이는 곳에서 기다릴게요.”
공연 창작 및 퍼포먼스 : 강주은
소품 제작 (헬멧, 의상, 그림) : 강주은
기획/프로듀서 : 아트룸 블루
특별 감사 : 김수빈, 주민준